One thing I've mentioned many times in my videos is that "art is subjective". What do I mean by this? I mean that everyone has different likes, tastes, styles, etc. Because of that, you may create something that 100 people may love, while there may be another 100 who may frown and shake their heads and move on to something else. Does that mean what you've created isn't good? Absolutely not!
First let me say, art is anything you can create from your own vision and is not limited to drawing, painting, etc. It is bringing a vision to life using many different mediums. Let's use jewelry making as an example. I used to make jewelry when my eyes could see small objects better and I created some really pretty things. My favorite mediums to use were metals like chains, jump rings, metal pendants and the like. The problem was, once I finished a piece, I would find what I thought was a flaw and start tweaking it, sometimes winding up with a completely different piece. I would look at other people's jewelry made with cord and beads and really love what I saw and then look at mine and think no one would like it without taking into account the different mediums used, the different styles, and the different person who created with beads and cords. Forget that many liked what I created, I had already second guessed myself and thought it wasn't good enough. Forget that I donated some for small fundraising silent auctions and that they looked pretty while displayed, not to mention, got a pretty nice price for handmade products. I had already second guessed myself. That's right. I didn't think I was good enough even though I was told many many times quite the opposite. Where am I going with this? Listen. If someone says they like your work, then they like your work. Use it as encouragement. When you create something and your first initial reaction is, "I like it," put the piece down! It's finished! Don't look back, don't change a thing. Your first reaction was the right one. And if you do glance at it and see another vision of how you could make it better, DON'T! What I mean by that is, start a NEW piece. Yes, they may wind up looking similar, but now you have 2 unique pieces instead of 1 that you're never going to be satisfied with. Don't compare your work with others. They are not, and never will be, the same. Some people will love yours and some people will love theirs. Then there will be some that love both because they prefer variety. And as you sell, that self confidence you were lacking will begin to bloom and grow and, eventually, flourish!
I hope this gives some food for thought and encourages you to keep pressing forward in anything and everything you have a love of creating.
Much Love!