Random Mayhem
Lifestyle • Business • Culture
The Definition of Success
Does it mean the same for everyone?
October 22, 2022
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We've been taught from a very young age that the definition of success is when you finally climb to the top of that corporate ladder, putting in many hours, and filling that bank account. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with that definition of success. For some, that is the epitome of true success. And again I say, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that if that is what fits you.

On the flip side, we've also been taught that, until we reach that particular definition of success, we are lesser than. From an early age, many of us have been shoved into that box until we can't breathe. Trudging through life feeling miserable and thinking, "Is this all there is?" This, my friends, is the Matrix. The system that's been unknowingly set up for us to make us fall in line and be good little tax-paying soldiers. The fact is, we are all so uniquely different, the definition of success is just as uniquely different for all of us. You may ask, "What do you mean, Be?" Well, I'm about to tell you a little story that redefined what success means to me.

I was sitting at my desk at my last job. For those who don't know, I was the Administrative Assistant at my church. Anyway, I was sitting there working on something when one of the church members came in and started chatting. I always enjoyed chatting with her. She was several years older than me and I liked to hear her thoughts and get her input on many topics. This particular day, she said, "Can I ask you a question? And I'm not trying to offend you by asking this." I said, "Sure. Go ahead." It took her a minute before she said, "You're so talented at what you do, why aren't you more successful?" My response was, "Good question."

At the time, I was only working 20 hours a week. That's all they offered then, but it worked for me. My daughter had been going through some issues and needed me home more than she needed me gone earning a bigger paycheck. It was a difficult decision to cut back and lose money in order to be the mother she needed. Now, although I was only working part-time, I still put in very full days. Up by 6 to make sure my daughter was up and getting ready for school, drop her off, then back home to start getting myself ready for work, wake little man up, get him fed and ready for school while I finished getting ready. Once I dropped him off (along with several of the neighborhood kids...good thing I drove a van!), I would drive straight to work. I would put in a 4 hour shift before running out the door and driving straight to the high school in time to pick up my daughter. Whew! We would get home just ahead of little man (all the kids liked to walk home in a big group, weather permitting). If the weather was bad, we would park next door to his school so he would see us when he passed by and hop in. Many of those times I would have several other kds hop in too, and I would drive them home as well. Once we got home, snack time and if I had any errands to run, I would be back out the door. Oh, what's that? Time to start dinner already? Yikes! And so, we would finish off the day with dinner, homework for my daughter while I took litte man to practice for whichever sport he was in depending on the season. Once we got back from practice, maybe a little family tv time or reading and chilling, help my daughter with projects that were more extensive than plain homework, bedtime then rinse and repeat the next day. Guess what! Even with practically nothing, basically living in poverty, my children thrived!

Why did I tell you all this? Well, that question of "why I wasn't more successful" stayed with me for a long time. I watched my daughter graduate with honors and a hefty academic scholorship, along with a smaller art scholarship for the college she chose, and a big dose of self-respect and morals. I watched my little man embrace the brotherhood and friendships that came from being on sports teams. I made new friends with like-minded parents through those sports and learned the joy of embracing the life I had while having the opportunity to hone my skills with computers and graphics. Is that not a form of success? 

Think about it. What is it you do that brings you joy. What have you accomplished that you didn't think you could, but tried anyway, and it turned out better than you envisioned?

From the person who dreams of having a garden or farm and grows their first successful crop, to that person staring at a pile of metal scraps with a welder in hand and creates their first unique sculpture. From the person who has always loved to bake from home and flips that open sign on their brand new bakery, to the person who melts and blends their first batch of coconut and shea butters with essential oils and winds up with their first perfect tray of natural soaps. From the person who chooses their child's well-being over a paycheck, to the person who climbed that corporate ladder and acquired a cush bank account. Are those not all success stories?

"Does success mean the same for everyone?" The answer is NO! Succeess means many different things to many different people. All beautiful. All unique. Not one better than the other.

My encouragement to you is to take that leap out of the Matrix box and bring out that seed that's been pushed to the back of your mind for so long. Take a deep breath and exhale then jump in with both feet. Find joy in your creations no matter what they may be. Before you know it, you will have honed your skill, you will have built your confidence, and you will have a product to sell and many new success stories to share with the world!

So you tell me....What is YOUR definition of success? Think about it! 

Much Love!



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What Can We Do to Take Back America
In Response to the Question posed by @TheTravelersDust

A little over a month ago, one of the business owners in the Small Business Community posed the question, "What are you willing to do to take America back?" Because I have so much to say on this topic, I knew I couldn't write it all in the comment section. And so, here we are.

In my opinion, one of the first things to do is understand we have been lied to For-Ever! Knowing this, it is our responsibility to gain knowledge of who we are, who we once were, and who we are supposed to be. We need to know the difference between Law and Legalese. We need to dig deeper and find what we can on the true history of the world (and understand that it has been purposely hidden from us.), and this is just the tip of the iceberg! While we need to pay attention to the "movie" playing out, we also need to ignore the constant rhetoric from both sides being used to wake up those that still slumber in blissful ignorance. Pay attention, yet move forward with a focus on what WILL be a glorious future, while learning everything you possibly can. Knowledge and putting that knowledge into action is what will take this country back.

So, who are we?

We are Sovereign Souls, born with Sovereign Rights given to us by our Creator! No human, administration, or any other entity has the authority to take those rights from us, nor can any human, administration, or any other entity have the authority to trespass on those rights. This is the most important thing to know. Think about this one. What would happen if every single person traveling in their personal property (we call it driving, but they use legalese against us, so we have to use the correct terms when it comes to them) removed their license plates and refused to register their personal property (in this case vehicle). What could they do if we all did it? They could write tickets all day long BUT did you know what they try to tell us is law, is actually us willingly turning over our property to the state? The only time you NEED to register is if you are driving for commerce! They don't tell us that, do they? Same thing with taxes. Marriage license, fishing license, certificates, registrations. You name it, it is an unlawful way to steal more money from us!

Remember, we do NOT have Constitutional Rights! We have Sovereign Rights! The Consitution was put into place to PROTECT our Sovereign Rights and keep the government in check and from overstepping their boundaries. NO government can implement and enforce any statute, policy, requirement, mandate, etc that can override the Origianal (1776) Constitution. Period. So when some of us say, Do Not Comply...we REALLY mean DO NOT COMPLY!

We DO NOT live in a Democracy! We live in a Constitutional Republic. The Democracy is referring to the "Powers That Think They Be" in Washington DC. The Bankrupt UNITED STATES, INC. (I put that in all caps for a reason...i.e. Birth Certificates).

Taking Down Big Pharma

Honestly, at this point, if you don't know the "Powers That Think They Be" have been trying to kill us for centuries, I don't know what to tell you! Now, if you actually need a surgery or what have you, of course you should get that done. But why are we still running to see "doctors"? They are the ones who get paid to give us that crap that Big Pharma makes to keep us sick, so we keep needing their "medicnes" that never heal or cure us. It only serves to make them more money, and to what? Yep, slowly kill us in the process. God gave us absolutely EVERYTHING we need. All those weeds and such we need to put poisonous chemicals on to kill and keep out of our lawns and such? Yeah, well guess what? Many of those weeds can actually aid healing processes which is why "they" want us to get rid of them. One of the most notable "weeds" that has become more and more prominent because of the healing properties in them is dandelions. If you can find someone into holistic medicine that seriously wants to help you, by all means, take their advice. The other thing you can do is find people mixing tinctures and offering holistic advice they have learned by reading the old books and understanding the old rememdies hidden from us by none other than the "Rockefeller School of Medicine". There are many small businesses out there selling natural organic remedies such as Katt's Remedies (www.kattsremedies.com) and Silent Tree Naturals (www.silenttreenaturals.com). Look them up and support them while keeping yourself as healthy as possible in the process.

The things listed above are a start. There is sooo much more, but these simple things alone will take a whole lot of money out of the Big Banks and Big Pharma.

Support Small Businesses

Isn't this how many of us found each other? Buying and selling from us small independents and the small American Manufacturing Companies (you can find many of the manufacturing companies at www.buydirectusa.com) keeps as much money as possibly within our communities. There are some out there who don't like the prices. Yes, the prices are higher, but so is the quality. Also, the more we buy and sell and create on the small level and keep the monies within, the more we keep out of the Big Box Stores, which in turn, keeps more money from the Big Banksters. The more we do this, the more independent we become. The more money we keep within our communities will allow us to have more to pay those higher prices from the small businesses. I could go on about this, and I have in the past, but that is more video worthy because I could talk for days about these things.

In the end, these are some of the most simple things ANYONE can do. Knowledge is Power. Let your Faith override your Fear and start Implementing real law. You can find a void and fill it by creating your own small business. If you have a hobby or an interest where you can create and sell, then you also have the makings for a small business. If that isn't your thing, you can support and buy from small businesses.The more of us that do that, the more the government will shrink to the little bit of nothing it's supposed to be.

So the question remains, "What are you willing to do to take America back?"

Think about it...

Thanks for Reading!

Much Love,

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December 20, 2022
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Reflections of 2022
New Year, New You

Ahhh, 2022 is coming to a close! I don't know about you, but I've changed so much this year, and for the better! I was sitting here thinking back to when my current journey started...August 11, 2021, the day I was fired for refusing to mask up. For refusing to believe the lies. For refusing to bow down to the madness and mandates.

I remember the sadness because I worked for my church and was fired by, you guessed it, my own pastor. I never thought it would be so difficult to find another job. Boy, was I wrong! As weeks turned into months, I was still unemployed. I tried finding ways to create an income for myself since I'm a creative person I remember the beginning of the year vividly. I remember making wall prints and candles. I remember creating designs to open my Spreadshops. I remember creating flyers to post so I could share all of my products just to get some type of income coming in. Nothing worked. I remember having to sell my heat press that I was trying so hard to hang on to because the bills were still coming. I remember thinking I needed to find new ways to promote and not having a support system. I tried Etsy for my digital prints. I tried PowerPoint presentations with everything listed, photos and all...still nothing! I have sold the little bit of gold and silver I had just to stay afloat. 

Some may know I've been following @SantaSurfing for years now because she's always so happy and upbeat. When she got booted from one platform, I would search until I found her on the next. I was never one to comment on posts or videos, just always in the background watching. I didn't think I had anything worth saying, and then she started promoting her SantaSurfing.Locals.com Community. Becoming a supporter was big step for me because, although it's very inexpensive, I'm still unemployed but I found I wanted to engage in conversations. May I just say, that's one of the absolute best things I've done...I love my Ohana! Because of that platform, I found my voice. I found many like minds, tons of encouragement, and many more with my off sense of humor. That was my first step to opening up.

In the meantime, I was still trying to find ways to promote my products. I remember thinking fleetingly that maybe I should make videos but had no clue how to do that. Not even two weeks later, Santa started encouraging people to use their voices and make podcasts and such. This lit the spark a little brighter but I also knew I ddin't want to report the news. There are many people doing that who are very good at it, not to mention, I still had no clue how to make videos. However, I did know that since I had such difficulty gaining traction for my own sales, perhaps I could find others like me and give a helping hand, if you will.

I spent a month trying to find the RIGHT tutorials to start doing them to no avail! Frustrated, I asked my 15 year old son if he knew how to do it. He said, "Uh, yeah." So, I gave up my desk chair and within a short bit of time, he had the CORRECT app downloaded and had a test video complete so he could show me what to do. In my mnd I'm like, "You have GOT to be kidding me!" All that frustration for nothing!  And so, at the end of this past August, 2022, I recorded and uploaded my first video and RandomMayhem was launched. I will say, the hardest part was talking to the computer. I also don't edit. For one, I don't know how and rwo, in my opinion, it's a waste of time. I figure, if people can go live and be authentic, what's the point of editing? It's almost the same thing, right? Anyway, at this point, I had no businesses yet to hightlight, it was more of an introduction and an explanation of what direction I wanted to go. Same with the second video. Still, no responses. So, the search was on! I started seeking out different small businesses and crafters, people with great new concepts and giving my own insight along the way. And guess what! I found that this is something I completely enjoy doing! 

Some may ask why I enjoy it when I don't get paid for it?

My answer would be because all it takes is knowing you may have given someone the exact encouragement they needed at that exact time they needed it (and that has happened), or directed someone to a site to give that one more sale needed, to give someone a different outlook or viewpoint or idea that they may havie been missing to move forward. A missing piece of their own puzzle some could say. Even though I don't have a big following, I have been able to do these things for other people. This tells me I'm on the right path and that brings me great joy...something money cannot give. These are the exact reasons I started this particular Locals Community. I wanted a platform for people who are silent, like I used to be not so long ago. A platform for people who are creators or crafters or small business owners to have a place of encouragement and communication to take that next step. To engage with other people who will welcome their thoughts and ideas and not think they are living with their head constantly in the cllouds.It is my hope that at some point this community will grow and be just that for those that are of like mind.

So what else has happened this year?

Well, as you know, I started writing articles just like this for my Locals members. Some of them I shared on other social media sites which is how I "met" Noah from @paralleleconomy. He gave me yet another opportunity to get my voice out there by contributing articles, mostly revolving around small businesses and community building in a parallel economy. I will say, Noah is very patient! He took the time to make tutorials for me because, not only had I never written for a website, (I mean, who knew there were special formats to follow! Certainly not I!) I am not a techie and had no clue how to even go about this. With his help, I'm getting a little better each time I write. Remember! You are never too old to learn new things!

So as 2022 comes to a close and reflecting on this last year, I've come to realize now more than ever, the struggles, hardships, and learning processes were needed. I needed to take that first tiny leap of faith to find my voice and to move out of my comfort zone. You cannot move forward when you're stuck! It just doesn't work that way.

My advice...Give it to God! Yes, you have to put in the work, but you also have to leave the rest in God's hands and let Him direct you. I'm still unemployed even though I've applied for too many jobs to count. I have not been able to find what the matrix calls "gainful" employment, and yet, I work just about every day doing all the things listed above. I have had low points, I have had times where I didn't know how me and my son would get through the next week. You know what? God never let me down. He came through each and every time just as He promised He would do for us if we just asked.  After this past year, I feel like I may be on the precipce of something. Of what that may be, I don't know yet. I just feel that God has been preparing me for what's to come.

I, for one, cannot wait to see what see what will happen in 2023! 

What about you? 

Love you all!



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November 13, 2022
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Location, Location, Location
Putting Your Garage to Good Use,

As you know, I started making videos and later incorporated this Locals Community to do whatever I can to showcase every type of small business I can find to break out of the Matrix. I have found so many but have yet to even scratch the surface because there are many, many more out there to find. People are amazingly creative and ingenuitive. 

I've touched on things from encouraging and inspiring each other to hosting workshops teaching others your skills and craft that can be passed on through generations. From being supportive and collaborating to building communities. Honestly, I think at this point, I would have to research my own self to remember all of the topics I've written or spoken about. And I'm just getting started! There is so much more!

One thing I haven't really touched base on yet is WHERE to sell. Yes, we have festivals and craft fairs, vendors who set up in parking lots, and even farmer's markets. Don't get me wrong, these are great places and people can do very well. But one thing to consider with those, especially if you're just starting and low on funds, is the cost involved upfront. Most require registration fees and booth rentals and a Vendor I.D. FULL STOP!  While I can understand fees for the event, I tend to have a problem with a Vendor I.D. Why do you ask? Because THAT is a huge part of the Matrix we are trying to get away from. You're telling me I have to check state regulations and policies and pay them money to get a piece of paper stating I have, not only their permission to sell, but also just volunteered myself for them to take from me? Shut the front door! Let me get this straight...I paid the store taxes on the materials I purchased and spent hours creating products and I have to pay the state for thier permission to sell and give them a portion of my revenue too? I don't think so! But we'll get into all that another time. Moving on...

I have a place for you to consider. Several people have done this over the years, but it isn't much talked about. It's kind of a cross between a brick and mortar and a pop-up shop.

So, where is this mystical place do you ask?

What about your garage? Or, if you don't have one, a friend's garage? Now, I realize not everyone can do this depending on where you live, but many can. Think about it. People have garage sales all the time. Often times, people get together and have craft sales set up like a garage sale. Well, what if you set up shop in a garage and did this on a consistent basis? Perhaps start by setting up every other Saturday. Keep the same hours everytime you're open and let people know. Then maybe move on to every Saturday. If you know of other crafters, have them join you. Having a few will give shoppers a variety. Once you get enough traffic and a lillte esablished, you can easily add in an extra day or two a week at some point. I wouldn't recommend too many just yet because you still need time to build your inventory.

If you do this, you could also consider having point of sale items such as small handmade magnets, maybe have a cooler or possibly a refrigerator with cold drinks, even some types of candy. Don't forget, many shop with their little ones in tow. Your main purpose is to sell your own products of course, however even if you don't, point of sale items will give you the opportunity to strike up conversations. No matter where you're selling, customer service is a huge factor in any business. That's what ultimately will bring people back. It will take a while to build a customer base, no doubt about it. It will take as much hard work and patience as it would with any start-up. The difference is overhead. No fees. No rentals. No paying the state for their bloated sense of entitlement. You'll be set up either at home or at a good friend's house doing what you love, on your own time, in your own way. Wouldn't the pay off at the end be worth it?

Think about it...

Much Love!

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